Category Archives: Poetry

As Darkness Falls

As darkness falls, a lonely heart yearns

For something it can’t have

A lesson unlearned

With battles that can’t be won

Like blind eyes that dream of the sun

As darkness falls, a restless mind

Twists and turns at night

He trades in his fears

And truths he can’t comprehend

For dreams that never end

As darkness falls, a tired soul crawls

Back to a darkness well-known

And sleeps to the sound

Of the stars in the sky

As they sing through the night, all alone


The scars that you hold will never go away,
But they serve as a constant reminder.
A reminder
Of how strong you truly are,
A reminder
Of all you’ve been through.

You lived on
when they cursed you,
You lived on
when they knocked you down,
You lived on
through everything
Because you are stronger.

Every time you glance down and see them,
Please know you are stronger.
Than the scissors,
Than the knives

Are beautiful.
Are perfect.
Are stronger.


Who am I to judge them,

When I was just as bad,

Who am I to judge them,

When misery takes its stand,

And honestly it scares me,

This chaotic dream I’m seeing,

No longer do I notice,

The boundries in which I’m dreaming,

And as I look into the mirror,

It is not a face I see,

But a gruesome, souless, demon,

Staring back at me,

It’s smile beyond repair,

It’s eyes blinded with tears,

With a heart long forgotton,

Replaced by shattered mirrors,

And as I grow older,

I’m scared; but yet,

There will never be a day,

I forget my reflection.


1,2,3 (By Michael Springer) (This isn’t my post for the assignment. I was just bored. Please comment on my poem “Scars”. I think it is at the bottom of the page)

Up until 1

Grasping my gun

Awake still at 2

I’m thinking of you

Pull the trigger at 3

Cut myself and I bleed

Where were you when I needed your love?

You were away, chasing red doves.

Where were you when I needed you most?

You reject me when I try to get close.

I love you so much, but my pain is too bad.

All your evil charades are driving me mad.

The clock strikes 12

I’m writing blank pages

My feelings melt

And die in short stages

An hour later, and I’m thinking of you

The thoughts I’m thinking; if only you knew

What happpens now that the clock has reached 2?

3 years of my life you effectively slew.


Years stolen from me

Years wasted on love

Years chopped like a tree

Fly away, my red dove.

She chopped down your tree.

She slew our love.

She lied to me.

(This wasn’t posted for an assignment or anything.  I was just bored and wrote something just now, and I felt like sharing it)

3 a.m.

3 a.m.
is for the lonely
it’s where I lay restless
on my half empty bed
seeking your warmth
that no longer remains
when I need it most

3 a.m.
is for the lonely
where I lose myself in my own insanity
and the memory of you
the heart must be
the weakest part of me

3 a.m.
is for the lonely
where I count the scars
you left on me
where I try to find
comfort in the darkness
you once sheltered me from

3 a.m.
is for the lovers
who stay up
just to wonder
what its like
to be


The Spectacles of Society

The spectacles framed with tradition,

So sure on how to act and how to behave,

So sure on what path,

In what road you shall pave.

How pretentious with its knowledge,

With its history so old and mean,

It believes there is beautiful and ugly,

And there is no in between.

Society’s spectacles look through glass of judgment,

To stoop so low that it only chose

To acknowledge the Thorns

And burn the Rose.

The spectacles of society;

So tight and compact,

You may put on spectacles if you want,

But I rather wear contacts.

Life Story

Life Story by Liz Capps


Each moment we live holds value and worth,

Defining us and our stories we have to tell.

One moment we are full of laughter and mirth,

But another we find ourselves angry and wanting to yell.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, time moves forwards,

We live, complain, and stress ourselves out.

To change is the only way to move onwards,

Slow down to see clearly what each moment’s about.

Time passess by at the blink of an eye,

Future becomes present and present the past.

More time is something that none can buy,

So we must value what we have while it lasts.

Each day we awake with a choice to make,

Live and enjoy or despair at what’s done.

Sometimes we wish we could just slam on the brake,

Because the moment is over when it feels like it has just begun.

Our lives are so busy, we take on such stress,

Never slowing down to see and observe all around us,

Leaving us unable to look past all the mistakes and mess.

If we took in each moment for all it is worth, there really would be no reason to fuss.

Each moment you live, each breath that you take,

Your life is your story so make sure to take note.

This story is yours to tell if you wish or else to forsake,

Either way the choice is yours; what will you make from your life story?


Scars  (By Michael Springer)

I have them
You have them
We all have our

Each one is a story
A new chapter of life
They all tell of my glory
They each sing of my strife
Each one wrought from quarries
Each cut from a new knife
There are many on me
Each cut is a creed
A sacred vow that
Is sealed when I bleed
When you look at me
Don’t you dare misread
Each scar that I have
Is not made to concede
It is made to remind
Me to keep fighting
Keep fighting these sins
Fight ’till I win
Fight ’till I’ve been
Beaten again
Then I will rise
From my demise
Then I will shout
Into the skies
Remove my guise
Open my eyes
See all your lies
Then I’ll realize; real eyes; real lies
All these scars are on me
They baptize my misdeeds
They remind me
To keep on fighting
Fight ’till I win
And then therein
Will I begin
To be cut once again

I have them
You have them
We all have our