Ere the break of day, the torch burned in hand.

The fire, deep red, tainted with their head.

The ash carried the story of him, and

reminded her of what was left unsaid.


Their home, like torches, burned throughout the night.

Determined by her unspoken desire,

He went out to destroy her only blight,

His ire, was hotter than the fire.


Only her whim gave him cause to be,

Bringing him out of his deep depression.

All these acts committed, she cannot see,

He felt truly close to his obsession.


From his depressing past, he was stressed,

Until all his feelings were meshed.

One thought on “”

  1. A very well written poem. I thought that the rhymes you used and the way you implemented them in your poem helped the poem to flow very well and even encouraged the feelings behind your two characters.

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